As part of a promotional campaign for the agency Hell Sinky, the documentary “The Subway Baby,” directed by ZEZ XXI, has generated significant interest in the media landscape. Chronicling the journey of the rapper from 78, Gued’1, this captivating program takes viewers deep into the story of this extraordinary artist.
Just days after the release of his latest musical project, Gued’1 is back in the spotlight thanks to this documentary. Through four episodes released on YouTube, the series “The Subway Baby,” produced by Urban Tracks, explores the defining moments of the artist’s life.
Gued’1, nicknamed “The Subway Baby” by Le Monde, shares a poignant account of his journey, marked by tragic trials and challenges overcome. This documentary, featured on major media platforms such as BooskaP, Générations, and Rapunchline, offers a compelling glimpse into the world and personality of this multifaceted artist.